Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 11: Back Up

Try to stay asleep... I overheard my father.... I wanted to cry but made myself not to. I heard my dad leave and wanted John to leave so I could cry by myself. But he didn't leave until midnight. But of course I grew sleepy by that time. I woke up that morning after I fell asleep but of course John wouldn't be here since it was a school day.Then I suddenly remembered about my dad and started crying softly that no one could hear.
When I came home that day my dad had an announcement to make. 
"Since Nicky was in a near death accident, I decided to provide you with a back up fiance, here is Layla"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

little diary entry....

so I should just put a little diary entry :D
Yesterday I went to the movies to see....KUNG FU PANDA 2!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was more dramatic than expected....BUT it was still good :D
when I saw the ending of the movie I WANTED MORE
so I searched online to see if there was gonna make another sequel and.....
THEY ARE!!!! they said they planned to make 6 chapters of the movie when they first made it..(don't blame me if the information is wrong since I got it online or they might change it into less sequels) but since the 1st movie was made in 2008, it took 3 years to make another sequels so it might be completed in 18 years.........-__-
after the movie I went buffet to celebrate my mommy's b-day :D
but I had to wait fo my dad since he play mahjong too long...-__-
it was very yummy :D
now today I went to eat in Chinese restaurant for my cousin who has recently came from China ( he's 3 or 4) He get's scared of people easily but today he holded my brothers hand o.o
he held out his had and my brother was playing DS and wasn't paying attention (for shame...FOR SHAME!!)
then everything else was boring.....
so i end here
bye :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Beaneath the Hoodie: Chapter 10: Shocking POV of her father...

*Beep,beep* That's all I ever hear....I'm sitting across from Nicky while she's in a coma..... I visit her everyday. I always think its my fault.... Making her angry and storm off like that....If it wasn't for me she... would not have had a near death experience. We don't know if she's going to wake from this coma. Today, I visited her making sure she would wake up.... Sometimes Micky and Andy comes by.... but today, her dad visited...... I didn't really like her dad because he works instead of being with his daughter. He sat down next to me while looking at Nicky. We didn't talk to for a couple of minutes, just awkward silence... until he broke the silence....
"Your probably thinking that this is all your fault.... "
I opened my mouth in shock that he knew.... but he stilled continued,
"You were like me too, when my wife died" She died??!!! o.o He kept going." Then I put all my focus onto my work...ignoring my daughter... When I came to my senses I didn't know how to start a conversation with her so I kept working. Sometimes I get drunk and accidently punch for instance... I was walking towards her and tried to start a conversation while I was drunk but then I fell and punched her -__- I couldn't help it T-T Then I thought marrying a wealthy fiance would help her. " He sighed..." What a terrible father I am..."  He looked at his watch and then " Opps I got to go, bye..." I was still shocked by the news....So that's why she didn't want to talk about......I looked at her and I think i'm in love with her.......

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 9 :The Walk to the Grave

I can't believe that jerk!!!! Why can't he be happy for m for once. just when I thought we could be friends but nnnoooo, he just assumed that we were already married and now I 'm his property now???!!!I sighed.I went to buy a bouquet of flowers,mom's favorite,lilacs.After that I walked to the cemetery. I saw the cemetery ahead. I went to my mom's tomb stone. I bent down to my mom's tombstone. 
"Mom, I really miss you....Why did you have to die....I wish everything was back to the way it was then we could be happy family again......." my voice was cracking up and going softer. " Whenever dad gets drunk he sometimes looses control and hits me... I sometimes cut myself....." a tears streamed down my cheeks. "I still have the hoodie that you gave me."I whispered, "Mommy. I miss you..." I wipe all my tears and put the bouquet of flowers down and left. I went home, took a shower and fell asleep. 
The next day.....
I was busy doodling in my book. Then John came up to me. " Um..... I 'm really sorry......" 
I was shocked to hear this, well, since he didn't seem like the one to be sorry. Since he did all the courage to do that I said" I forgive you" He seemed happy like a dog be forgiven by its master. The bell rang and the teacher began. The teacher announced that there would be a group project. I wasn't busy listening but when I heard " group B will have Andy, Micky, John, and Nicky. I was so excited, that if I was a dog I would jump in the air and wag my tail all day. It was an art project that should be easy for Andy since he is a artist. We worked together and had fun talking to each other. I talked to the others as well but mostly with Andy. 
When school was done, I was as happy as a clam. I was even skipping down the block. John was walking me home. He looked like he was grumpy so I sad sarcastically" Whats up with you?" 
"Nothing, except for the fact my fiance's is flirting with some other guy."
I was shocked " I was not flirting!!"
"Sure, you weren't" he said sarcastically.
" I can not believe you!!! Was that apology a lie??!!!"
" No, this a new topic about you flirting with some guy..."
" You are so conceited and obnoxious that you would care if your "girl" that you would get to confess to you for your father to prove something" I walked faster since I didn't wanted to see his face. I just wanted to go home. listen to music and read romance manga ( Japanese comics) I walked down to the middle of the street.
" I am not conceited or obnoxious" I turned around in the middle of the street
"Then what are you???!!" 
" I'm-" 
When I thought about romance manga. a thought hit eyes widened 
"Your in lo-" Someone interrupted me saying " Watch out!!!!!" I turned to the car facing me the last words I heard were from John yelling "NICKY!!!!" I fainted. After a while... i opened my eyes...My eyes were blurry all I saw was me lying in a pile of blood and sirens...Maybe I can be with my mom now....Mom..............

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 8: The Envy Monster Awakens.... ( someone who is jealous)

Me and Andy became closer together ever since he came. Me and and him were childhood friends. He would always argue with me. When we got closer together I fell in love... He became nicer each time. He told me that when he meets new people he is mean and shuts them away. When he became friends with new people he begins opening a little each time. When it was lunch time...I felt someone glaring at me all day whenever I was with Andy but I ignored it. When me and Andy were alone. I had a feeling he was gonna ask about the confession...He looked at me and said " Remember the confession in middle school?" I gulped and said "yes..."
"I don't really know what to say.... and well... I don't know how I like you as. I can't really tell if I like you as a friend or more than that..." I nodded as he kept going " Can I tell you how I feel to you later?" I nodded and he gave me a hug. As I was about to give him a hug.... someone pulled me back. I looked behind me and it was John!!!??? Why was he ruining my good moment???!! He was looking at Andy while I was glaring at him. He told him " I'm sorry but she is my fiancee" then he dragged me away from Andy until he was out of sight. When I had enough of him I broke off his grip. 
" What is wrong with you??!!!" I shouted
" Your my fiance your supposed to be with ME!!!"
" We aren't even married yet, and now I'm your property?"
"We will be married soon and yes you are mine."
" What is wrong with you???!!! We didn't even decide yet and there IS a possibility that we are not going to get engaged!!!"
" I don't care you, you are not to hang with Andy"
" What is with you??!!! Your not my father!!!" I stopped to gasp for breath. When I was done I left not wanting to see my "fiance" anymore. So I knew where to go when I was sad or mad. My mom's grave....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 7: New Transfer student

It was a sunny morning. I felt like I was a cat trying to take a nap in the sun..... BUT!!! I have school T-T I was putting my head down and trying to rest while my teacher was making a announcement. I only heard a little...
"We have a new transfer student today, introduce yourself Andy" Andy???!!! I suddenly put sat up and wanted to see if it was really him...... IT WAS!!!! I'm so embarrassed!!! Ever since I confessed to in middle school on the last day of school... I never gave him a chance to answer me back!!!! I wondered what I should do..!!! Maybe....I SHOULD PRETEND I FORGOT ABOUT HIM!!!! I looked at him and he saw me. He smiled and waved at me.I blushed of course, and waved back at him. I sighed and thought that this would be a long day....
I saw Nicky put her head down. She looked like a cute cat... WAIT!! why did I say cute???!!! Then I looked at the teacher to get my mind of her.. There was some new transfer student named Andy. Then I saw him wave at Nicky. She waved back while blushing. Don't tell me, she likes this guy??!!! I felt jealously rage up to my head. Then I realized something...maybe I'm exaggerating.... What more will could happen????

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 6 : Amusement Park

" SSSSOOOOO BORED"  I sighed as I looked out the window. Micky suddenly jumped right in front of me. I thought my heart was going to jump out.
" Nicky, want to go to the amusement park tomorrow??"
" I will take that as a yes, John is coming too." 
I sighed and said " Fine.. I will go since I got nothing better to do..."
" YAY!!! " Then I blocked her out of my mind since all she could talk about was the amusement park.
Next day....
I was sleeping and suddenly i got woken up by the sound of my phone. I groaned as I got up to get it and said
"hello?" in my tired voice.
" Nicky? " It was Micky but her throat and nose sounded it was stuffed.
" I can't go to the amusement park today, I'm sick..."
" What???!!!" I sighed " Then there's no point in going.."
" Nnnnooo, go without me, I don't want to get in the way of your fun."
I sighed " okay..."
I saw John coming and he saw me " Hey, where's Micky?"o.o
" She's sick...." 
" I get it now... You wanted us to go on a date and lied about Micky" He smirked. I wanted to smack him so hard!!! Instead, I glared at him and said,
" How could you possibly think that!!" I sighed " If your gonna act like that, then fine, I'm leaving."
" I was just kidding" and he stuck his tongue at me. I grew with more anger for him and stayed quiet wanting to smash his guts out!! After we got into the amusement park. We were walking side by side looked around for things to do. It was a long time I went to the amusement park was gone... I sighed. If it was going to be this boring I would have stayed home... Then he asked me a question, " Why did you come here anyway if your gonna sigh so much?" 
"I wanted to be with Micky, since she was the first friend I had in a long time." I smiled at bit when I pictured Micky in my mind looking happy and smiling all the time. In the corner of my eye I saw John's eyes widened a bit when I smiled and his face became red and looked down. 
Then I turned to face John in the face and pinched his cheeks making eye contact with him and his face became redder. 
" Are you sick? " I put his forehead against mine. " Its a little warm." He got red more and backed away and faced to his right avoiding eye contact with me. 
" I'm not sick, it's probably from the heat."
" Then why are your cheeks red?" 
" It's probably from you pinching my cheeks so hard."
"Ok...." ( Im tired of putting " John POV" so when it's red its John's POV ) I'm only red because of you smiling and you making me fall in love with you without even trying to... I remember her words "I wanted to be with Micky, since she was the first friend I had in a long time." Then I thought what am I to her? So I asked, " Hey, if Micky's your friend, then what am I?" 
" You are the annoying stalker monster who is my fiance." I had a feeling she was going to say something like that. I saw her looking at a stuffed animal. 
" You want me to win that for you?" She shrugged so I took that as a yes. I played the game and won it. I gave her the stuffed animal. She took it shyly, looking at her stuffed animal. " You didn't have to do that..." My heart was beating fast when she looked so cute looking like that. 
" My, oh my, look who is acting so shyly today." 
She paused for a second.." Shut up" and went to the roller coaster, " Let's ride that!!" as she said smiling. I couldn't help but smile back and said " Race you there" and ran off.
After he won the bear. He gave it tome while smiling to me. It was as if it was contagious and smiled a little. I looked at the stuffed bear and couldn't help but think that it looked sorta like him. It was smiling at me. After we rode the roller coaster we got ice cream. It was yummy. He got a different flavor than mine and wanted to know what it tasted like.
" Can I taste that?"
" Huh?" I took that as a yes. So I lunged over, put my hand on his and his ice cream and licked it. It was yummy. Doesn't that girl know that licking a person's ice cream is like a indirect kiss??!! When she touched my hand my heart beat faster and faster.. I soon blushed...
I saw him become red again." Are you sure your not sick?" 
" No, No its the heat so I will eat more ice cream." he kept licking fast the ice cream. Then rubbed his head and said " Ahh.. brain freeze.." I laughed. After we went on more rides and played games we decided to go home. " I had a great time" I said and smiled. He then averted his eyes and said " Me too.." we both went home and it was a fun day...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Short Chapters

30 Days: A mom reading her journal to her child telling her life with her father

30 Days

" Mommy, Mommy what is this?" :D my daughter, Jamie asked.
"Its my journal."
" Read me it ":D with anticipation
I sighed and smiled "Alright, I wrote this journal on important days" I started to read...(if its in italics its the writing in the journal and if its in different colors its the next event) *Flash black*
Today was the day I was going to get married.It happened all so fast. I married someone I truly, TRULY loved.He was the sweetest, most wonderful guy ever!!! I knew somewhere in my heart that he was the one for me.I gotta go now cause we are on our honeymoon!!!! see you later!! :D I saw doodles around the page, I was such a bad drawer. I giggled and went on to the next entry.
I'M PREGNANT!!!!! Today was a special day for me because I get to raise a child with James :D I wonder what name we should name it. What toys should we get it? I am so excited!!!!!
I'm so depressed right now .... James...won't make it....He has 30 days to live......He has cancer.....I don't know what to do....I cant raise a child by myself......not one without James.....I remembered the conversation....
Doctor: Your husband, James has 30 days to live....
Me: "WHAT???!!! " I burst into tears " TELL ME YOUR LYING!!!!!!" I shook the doctor so hard
"Calm down...."
" I CAN'T CALM DOWN, MY HUSBAND'S DYING!!!!" I fell down to my knees and covered my face with my hands full of tears. When I got home that day I wrote in the journal, with my hand shaking and my tears pouring out.....( for the days I will put same color)
Day 1: I'm going to keep track of the 30 days my husband has left...He said " It will be alright so let's enjoy it while we can.." Even though he said that...I cant keep my self from worrying....
Day 2: We are going to the park to have a picnic. It was so much fun, it was like the days we were dating.
Day 3: We are going on a vacation for 1 week!!!! I cant wait!!! It will be so much fun!!!
Day 4: We are on a plane for 2 nights, so I will skip to day 6
Day 6: We have arrived in HAWAII!!!! I am gonna have fun in the sun but I cant play that much because well, I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant, so I'm gonna skip to day 13
Day 13: WE ARRIVED HOME!!!! 
Day 14: WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP AGAIN!!! NOW TO ROME!!! so we arrive 21
Day 21: Those trips were the best time of my life!!! It felt like being young again!!! 
Day 22: James.... He is in the hospital. The doctor said he was experiencing pain for the last couple of days.... Why didn't he tell me!!!! (Flashblack) I remeber I was a crying when I was writing as my tears were dripping on the page..
day 23-29: I stayed until midnight when he was in the hospital. I bought him books to read everyday and talk to him. He told me that he didn't tell me  because I would be doing what I am doing now, freaking out. It was true, I would do that. I just can't keep my self from worrying....
Day 30/31: Day 30...... I wished a miracle had happened so he wouldn't die or he at least would see his child.....He was growing weaker and weaker.... His last words were , I want my child to be Jamie....He reached out to rub my tummy but stopped halfway and went to the heavens. He died on December 31. I remember I shook him hard so he would wake up. I pinched myself so I would wake up. I knew it was real but I did it anyway. I shook and quivered and put my hands to my face and sobbed as tears fell on him....Then I sucked up my tears . I told myself, to be brave... Then suddenly I felt my water broke and I was sent to the delivery room. I was on those wheel chairs. I turned my head and looked at James for one more time and a tear fell from my face. I wiped it away and put on my determined face on. I was ready to born my baby. My baby, Jamie was born on January 1. When I finished reading it , tears rolled down my face  Jamie looked at me with a frown on her face and said " Is it my fault daddy died, like a trade for daddy's life and my life?" I smiled through my tears and said " Of course not honey, everyone has to die someday."
"okay mommy :D" She smiled as I showed her the pictures I taped. It was pictures of Jamie when she was born, Pictures of her going to kindergarten and many more. After I finished Jamie asked " Can I keep this journal?"
"of course but I will give it to you later. "
" Okay, but I have to go to bathroom now and I want to make cupcakes later"
" Sure honey" I said with a smile. I stood up and I felt a whisper in my ear from behind that had the voice of James that said "We have a beautiful child and I knew you would be a great mother." I looked behind me and all I saw was a feather floating down. I got my journal,a pencil, the feather and scotch tape and wrote on the last page, Today I read Jamie my journal, and I felt James whispering in my ear. We have a wonderful child, James Then I taped the feather in the journal and left it open on the table and heard " MOMMY, I'm done!!!! Lets bake now" I went to her, picked her up and went to the kitchen....when I look back in living room I smiled as I saw another feather floating down on top of the journal.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 5: Maybe Someday....

"Why am I going first???"
"Fine I go first, I hit on girls to prove to my dad!!!!!!" He looks like he is going to burst into flames....he continues,"... I used to a fat chubby kid and my dad would say you will never get women to fall in love with you-"
 You were a fat chubby kid?? I want to see pictures" I said it with enthusiasm and eyes gleaming
 "NO WAY!!! You will use it against me to women and THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!!
 You watch too much drama... but that is a great idea" >:D
" back to my story.....I lost weight and wanted to prove to him that women will fall in love with me!!!" He said it with his flames growing larger and it appears that there were flames in his eyes...
" That is a stupid idea -__- Why didn't u just get one girl to fall in love with and show her to your dad, so that way I wouldn't be in this mess" 
 " And how am I gonna find a girl to fall in love with me?"
" Your really stupid, just get a girl to fall really in love with you or fake it out"
" Smart but, whats done is done, and now your turn" :P
I sighed " Promise me this, you must not ask questions or ask me to tell you it again." John nodded so I said really slowly.." That summer..." Then I said it really fast "my mom died and my dad gave me bruises and I cut myself." I said it so fast he thought I was saying gibberish. I stood up and left. 
" Sorry but you promised" I said with my back turned then I turned aroung and smirked and said "Maybe someday...I will tell you." and I ran off home.
Johns POV 
My heart skipped a beat. It was the first time she smiled or in this case, smirked. Her personality is really something.... I want to know more about her......

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 4: Ready to face the truth?

I can't believe this!!!!!He found out!!!!! He's gonna tell everyone -__- I will be.....the same as always o.o You know what I don't care anymore :D People will leave me alone so I won't really care
Next day
Hm..... they aren't talking about it... Maybe he didn't tell??? 
John: " Yo :D"
Nicky: Leave me alone -__-
"Never :D"
"Why?" -__-
"Because I know your secret" :P
" It doesn't really matter, I will have more time to myself"
John"s POV:
Sigh.... This is gonna become harder than I thought and when I just found out her secret DX
End of POV
" Then tell me why you are hiding it" :P
" I'm not hiding it, I just like wearing my hoodie"
" Why do you have scars on your arm then?"
I gave a glare and stated " It's none of your business" and walked away.
After school:
John follows me. I see him so clearly -__- What does he want??
" What do you want?" -__-
" I'm gonna keep bothering you until you tell me why" :P
" Never"- __-
" Then I just gonna keep following you" :D
I sighed " If you tell me why you hit on girls and have the notepad of confessions then I will tell you"
" You tell first" :p
" Fine, It all started that summer....."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie Chapter 3:Underneath the Sleeves

It was.....
John's father said " This is my son, John. He might be your fiance later on.."
I said " Yes I know him from my class."
" oh, really now?? Well you should get along together, now lets eat :D"
John's POV:
This is the perfect chance to finish my goal >:)
Nicky's POV 
I wanted to get out of here D; I ate my dinner and went to bed because i didn't fell like talking to them.I went to bed and thought to myself.The only thing that keeps me alive is my hoodie, my special hoodie.... as I drifted to sleep
The Next Day...
Girl 3: Hi :
Nicky: What do you want? -__- ( Nicky eavesdropping on some girls that were fans of John: 
Fan 1: He told everyone that he had a fiance D; 
Fan 2: He told me it was the girl who had the hoodie all the time D;
Fan 1: Why did she had to be chosen to be his fiance??? )
Girl 3: I want to be friends with you :D
Nicky: Are you trying to be friends with because John being my fiance?-__-
Nicky: So you didn't hear? o.o
Girl 3: Nope o.o but anyway my name is Micky 
Nicky: My name is Nicky
I sighed then John came
John: Hello, My future fiance ;D
I grabbed him by the collar, and said: Why are you telling everyone about the arranged marriage???? >:o
John: My oh my, you are feisty
I heard girls whispering more when I grabbed him by the collar so I let go.
Nicky: Your annoying.-___-
John: You willl fall in love me some day, so lets chew at the ends of this*took out pocky* Its a game of whoever snaps it off first looses * put the pocky stick in my mouth and put his mouth on the other end * 
I snapped off half of it and said " No way, but thanks for the pocky and left. 
I heard girls whispering more and softer when I came nearer to them
Fans: Can we talk to you for a sec? 
Nicky: Why?
Fans: We want you to stay away from John.
Nicky: I want to stay away and he is clinging on me like a child is to his mother, and I never agreed to the arranged marriage because I don't want to marry him
The fans were at a loss of words, so I turned away.
End of school:
I was the last one to leave. I took off my hoodie because I wanted to see the mark sewed on it. It said " For my beautiful Nicky." I left to go to the bathroom but was going to go home after the bathroom.Micky went in the classroom( no one was there cause Nicky left already) to get her pencil case she had forgotten. She noticed Nicky's hoodie on the chair. So she grabbed it and saw John and asked him to bring it to her. John gladly accepted and found Nicky walking the halls.
John: NICKY!!!!! :D
Nicky: What?? -___-
John: Micky saw your hoodie and asked me to bring it to you.
Nicky: Tell Micky I said thanks :D 
I took the hoodie and left. John  noticed something on Nicky's wrist. It was a scar. John stopped me and rolled up my sleeve. I was surprised that he found out about the bruises and scars on my arm. 
Nicky: It's none of your business
I left and I had a feeling that he would uncover the secrets beneath my hoodie and me....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie Guide

Summary: Nicky is a girl who spends time alone and always wears her hoodie even in the summer!!!John is a average nice kid that hangs out with girls who lies a secret in his notepad. Nicky finds John's notepad and finds his secret. They later find out they are in a arranged marriage with each other.Nicky has a secret that has something to do with her hoodie. What lies beneath her hoodie and herself?
Here are all the chapters

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 2: Arranged Marriage

I have a fiance???!!! o.o What is wrong with my dad!!! Why can't I make my own decisions???!!! I sighed and tried to put on a smile and said in the happiest way I could " Why did you choose a fiance for me?"
Dad: " I want a better future for you" he mumbles" and the money too..."
But of course I heard it but I pretend not to hear anything. I said " Thanks but what if I don't like him and what if he doesn't like me?"
" It will be his choice if he wants to marry you or not, You will meet him tomorrow night for dinner"
I sighed and said : Okay..." I left and I needed a plan to make him not like me. >:)
Next day...
As usual, I was alone and staring at the clouds out the window. I wondered who will be my fiance...I just hope that if he is in my school, he would not spread it around.....
At night......
I was drinking water when the doorbell rang...
???: Hello we are here to visit you
Dad: Oh Robert!!! Nice to see you :D
Robert: Here is my son.... John..
I nearly choked  on my water. Did he say John??? I DON'T WANT TO BE IN A MARRIAGE WITH HIM!!!!! but  wait.... what if it isn't him but the person with the same name..... There was someone else standing by the door......

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 1: The notepad

Girl 1: Have you seen the girl in the hoodie, all alone? 
Girl 2: She wears it all the time even in the summer!!! o.o
"How does she not sweat??!!!"
"Does she have a air conditioner in there???!!!"
"Maybe she is hiding something......"
Girl 2 pokes girl 3 "Hey are you listening???"
"Yea, I'm listening..." girl 3 says while she is looking at the girl with the hoodie with curiosty.
Nicky's POV( person's point of view )
Nicky sighed. I can hear them so clearly. -__- Why can't they mind their own business? I wear what I want when I feel like it. -__- * loud commotion outside of class* What a loud commotion. -__-  But of course its the most popular guy, John. He is such a conceited, obnoxious guy. -__- What do the girls see in him? -__-
*ladies crowded around him*
John: Ladies,ladies I appreciate you being here with me but I have to go to class
Girls: Aww D;
John: But I will see you at lunch ;)
Girls: Okay XD see you later 
Bell rings and time for class to start, bell rings again and classes are over. As I was packing up to leave I was the last one to leave. Then I stumbled to a little notepad on the ground. I picked it and it said " John's notepad, DO NOT READ INSIDE >:O" I opened it and it had a list of girls names checked off except for mine. After the list of girl's names there was a page of confession times and about them. The door suddenly opened. It was John. He looked as if he was looking for something. He suddenly saw and the notepad I had.
He said " DID YOU LOOK IN IT??!!"
"Of course, if people wrote ' do not read inside' it would increase the curiosity " I said. He looked dumbfounded but I continued.
" here's your notepad and I don't intend to fall in love with you" I left him standing there looking stupid. As I went home my dad said to me " I have decided your fiance, you will meet him tomorrow" "Fiance??!!" I exclaimed