Saturday, April 9, 2011

Beneath the Hoodie: Chapter 6 : Amusement Park

" SSSSOOOOO BORED"  I sighed as I looked out the window. Micky suddenly jumped right in front of me. I thought my heart was going to jump out.
" Nicky, want to go to the amusement park tomorrow??"
" I will take that as a yes, John is coming too." 
I sighed and said " Fine.. I will go since I got nothing better to do..."
" YAY!!! " Then I blocked her out of my mind since all she could talk about was the amusement park.
Next day....
I was sleeping and suddenly i got woken up by the sound of my phone. I groaned as I got up to get it and said
"hello?" in my tired voice.
" Nicky? " It was Micky but her throat and nose sounded it was stuffed.
" I can't go to the amusement park today, I'm sick..."
" What???!!!" I sighed " Then there's no point in going.."
" Nnnnooo, go without me, I don't want to get in the way of your fun."
I sighed " okay..."
I saw John coming and he saw me " Hey, where's Micky?"o.o
" She's sick...." 
" I get it now... You wanted us to go on a date and lied about Micky" He smirked. I wanted to smack him so hard!!! Instead, I glared at him and said,
" How could you possibly think that!!" I sighed " If your gonna act like that, then fine, I'm leaving."
" I was just kidding" and he stuck his tongue at me. I grew with more anger for him and stayed quiet wanting to smash his guts out!! After we got into the amusement park. We were walking side by side looked around for things to do. It was a long time I went to the amusement park was gone... I sighed. If it was going to be this boring I would have stayed home... Then he asked me a question, " Why did you come here anyway if your gonna sigh so much?" 
"I wanted to be with Micky, since she was the first friend I had in a long time." I smiled at bit when I pictured Micky in my mind looking happy and smiling all the time. In the corner of my eye I saw John's eyes widened a bit when I smiled and his face became red and looked down. 
Then I turned to face John in the face and pinched his cheeks making eye contact with him and his face became redder. 
" Are you sick? " I put his forehead against mine. " Its a little warm." He got red more and backed away and faced to his right avoiding eye contact with me. 
" I'm not sick, it's probably from the heat."
" Then why are your cheeks red?" 
" It's probably from you pinching my cheeks so hard."
"Ok...." ( Im tired of putting " John POV" so when it's red its John's POV ) I'm only red because of you smiling and you making me fall in love with you without even trying to... I remember her words "I wanted to be with Micky, since she was the first friend I had in a long time." Then I thought what am I to her? So I asked, " Hey, if Micky's your friend, then what am I?" 
" You are the annoying stalker monster who is my fiance." I had a feeling she was going to say something like that. I saw her looking at a stuffed animal. 
" You want me to win that for you?" She shrugged so I took that as a yes. I played the game and won it. I gave her the stuffed animal. She took it shyly, looking at her stuffed animal. " You didn't have to do that..." My heart was beating fast when she looked so cute looking like that. 
" My, oh my, look who is acting so shyly today." 
She paused for a second.." Shut up" and went to the roller coaster, " Let's ride that!!" as she said smiling. I couldn't help but smile back and said " Race you there" and ran off.
After he won the bear. He gave it tome while smiling to me. It was as if it was contagious and smiled a little. I looked at the stuffed bear and couldn't help but think that it looked sorta like him. It was smiling at me. After we rode the roller coaster we got ice cream. It was yummy. He got a different flavor than mine and wanted to know what it tasted like.
" Can I taste that?"
" Huh?" I took that as a yes. So I lunged over, put my hand on his and his ice cream and licked it. It was yummy. Doesn't that girl know that licking a person's ice cream is like a indirect kiss??!! When she touched my hand my heart beat faster and faster.. I soon blushed...
I saw him become red again." Are you sure your not sick?" 
" No, No its the heat so I will eat more ice cream." he kept licking fast the ice cream. Then rubbed his head and said " Ahh.. brain freeze.." I laughed. After we went on more rides and played games we decided to go home. " I had a great time" I said and smiled. He then averted his eyes and said " Me too.." we both went home and it was a fun day...

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